Want to Create Multiple Streams of Income in your 20s?

How to Create Multiple Streams of Income

Are you in your 20s and wondering how to establish various sources of income and be financially stable or “rich”? It’s wise to consider this because the sooner you start, the faster you can achieve financial independence. The internet has made it easier than ever to earn money online. But this does not suggest that it is simple. Many people never even attempt to start a side hustle or a part time job out of fear of failing or because they become paralyzed by procrastination.

The truth is that creating many streams of income is not actually complicated. It’s not rocket science after all.  Although you don’t have to be the smartest person on earth, you do need to be dedicated, focused, and persistent. Patience and effort are a must when it comes to side hustles.

Just remember that it can take some trial and error to create several streams of income. Each one of us is unique, with unique abilities and weaknesses. What works for me might not be successful for another.  However, failure is a necessary part of this journey. It is an opportunity to develop, learn, and proceed more skillfully.

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Why Should you Create Multiple Sources of Income?

  • A second stream of income gives you financial security. If one source of income fails you can carry on with the other. An old English proverb says “don’t put all your eggs in one basket” which basically means not to risk all your efforts and capital on one venture.
  • Earn money so that you can pay off debts, by what you want and live a more financially stable comfortable lifestyle.
  • Creating multiple streams of income in your 20s will allow you to retire by the time you’re 40 or 50.
  • When your work life is diverse it adds spice to your 20s. You will learn a lot and make new friends which will help you succeed in future.
  • You can build wealth and hit the millionaire point faster. According to a study done by Tom Corley he found that 65% of self-made millionaires had at least 3 streams of income in their 20s.

Where to Begin Creating Multiple Streams of Income and How?

Your 20s should be spent building a sturdy foundation so that in near future you’ll have a beautiful life. You should try to do everything and gain experiences and save a lot of money. Building this strong foundation requires patience and self-awareness. You might only earn $5 in a month in the beginning, but with patience and hard work it’ll grow in no time.

Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses. So, instead of looking at others and copying what they’re doing, do what you’re interested and what you’re good in. Think out of the box and do something creative. Have an optimistic mindset about your ideas.

Make a plan. Think about all pros and cons about your venture. Talk about your ideas with professionals and learn a lot. Watch YouTube videos and read about the topic. If there’s no big issues then take action. Don’t let the fear of failing keep you from starting. Work in small steps. Your hustle will succeed in no time.

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10 Sure Shot Streams of Incomes

1.      Freelancing

Freelancing allows anyone to utilize their free time without any investment and earn money. There are various websites and companies that allow you to freelance for free while some companies require a registration fee. You can select any job depending on your talents like creative writing, proof reading, graphic designing, web development etc. freelancing would be a great side hustle because you simply can work when you are free.

2.      Create a Blog

Even though, building an audience for a blog must be basically started from scratch, they tend to be durable sources of incomes. Advertisements, affiliate links, or related digital or physical products might help you make money from your blog as you gain followers. Simply maintain their faith once you’ve gained a community to keep earning extra money and your blog will be a success. But remember patience and consistency is a must in blogging.

3.      Influencing

Influencing again is something that must be started from scratch. Select a social media platform like twitter, Instagram, Facebook or tok-tok and start building a strong audience but this process might take time. Think about what you’re good at or what you’re mostly involved in and base your type of content on that. Then create and share content on a regular basis. Followers prefer consistency and even brands might want to collaborate with you. In a short period of time, you will be able to build a strong audience.

4.      Become a Tutor

There are lots of companies that hire part time tutors for online courses. You can also be a private tutor. You can select a subject that you’re really good in. Its not necessary to have a degree to be a tutor.

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5.      Get Crafty

If you’re someone who can create things, or paint you can sell your products on Instagram, Facebook, Etsy and Pinterest. All you have to do is turn your hobbies in to a profession. It’ll again take time to gain publicity but soon people will recognize your talent.

6.      Invest in Real Estate

If you have a huge capital with you the best option is to invest in property. You can also rent such properties and earn a monthly income.

7.      Publish E-books or books

8.      Affiliate marketing

You simply have to sell others products and earn a profit out of every sale.

9.      Baby Sitting or Pet Sitting

10. Invest in Business or Stock Market


Setting realistic goals, making an output checklist, and treating your income sources like plants that must be watered consistently will help you create several streams of income in your 20s. Therefore, it makes sense to start developing as many income streams as you can handle at a young age if you’re serious about ensuring your financial stability. But always make sure to choose something that you prefer and never copy someone else because it wont last long. Working on multiple streams of income in your 20s will allow you to retire early and enjoy life to the maximum.


1.      What do I need to build multiple streams of income?

All you need is your effort, time and dedication. If you were consistent in your work, you can succeed easily. The options will be open if you had a good internet connection and smart device.

2.      How many streams of income does a person need in their 20s?

An exact number is not established. However, having two or three sources of income is a decent number to aim at. Should one of your sources of income stop, you have extra cash to fall back on.

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